4月23日更新日志 1、限时开放活跃有礼活动,活动期间累计活跃度达到一定值可领取道具“泡泡”,累计消费仙石达到一定值可领取双倍道具,“泡泡”可用于选择兑换其他游戏道具,活动时间:4月24日0点至4月30日24点,限时兑换功能在5月2日24点后关闭。 2、限时开放元素碰撞秘境,活动期间每日可通过秘境引路人单人或组队进入,活动时间:4月24日0点至4月29日24点。 3、仙石商店新增道具玉如意,使用后可自定义增加生命上限。 4、服务器等级达到150级一年后,仙石商店的高级神识丹将解除限购。 5、真武幻境的真武精气音效更换,区别于真武精元。 ★Change log on April 23: 1, The activity that increase activity value and get rewards are opened within a limited time. When the accumulated activity reaches a certain value, you can get props "bubbles",When the accumulated consumption of diamond reaches a certain value, you can get double props. "Bubble" can be used to exchange other game props. Time: from April 24 to April 30, the exchange function will be closed after 24:00 on May 2. 2, The secret land named Element collision will be opened for time limited. During the activity, players can enter the secret land by "Secret Land Guider". The activity time is from 0:00 on April 24 to 24:00 on April 29. 3, The Diamond shop has added a new item, Jade Ruyi, which can be customized to increase maximum HP after use. 4, After the server reaches level 150 for one year, the purchase restriction for the Advanced meditation Dan in the Diamond shop will be lifted. 5, The sound effect of Bronze treasure in Zhenwu Fairyland has been replaced, which is different from Gold treasure.